Site plan
- 1 Floor
Ground Floor
First floor
Cross section
Urban cross- section
Visualization: Main entrence
Visualization: Interior
>> Powrót
The aim of my Bachelor's Thesis was to makea project of a Exibition Pavilion at Plac Wiosny Ludów in Posnan. I also designed the development plan of a square. This urban and arquitecture projecr aims to spice up a place in the center of knowledge. the pavilon is to serve the resident of the city as cultural place, which they choose during their free time for art. exhibitions. on the square there are stairs which every day serve as the seat and in the evening as stands when on of the walls of the pavilon will serve as a screen during summer cinema. The building is divided into two parts which crosses a covered walkway. smaller part is cafe, the bigger one is for exhibitions. iI this section there are two rooms that have educational and cultural function. there are lit by sskylights passing through the three floors of the building.